Updates about projects that are being worked on.
Shuffled Nightmares, now on Android

After spending more time than I would like to admit, I've just uploaded the first android port of "Shuffled Nightmares".
This is a one to one port of the PC projects. It has been tested on a variety of devices, including phones and tablets. It also has a demo version available, which can be used to confirm if it works as expected on a specific device, and get an idea of what the game is about.
Check it out on Google Play
2021.02.21 - Sun 18:30
New platform to conquer: Android

I've been working on porting my projects to Android and managed to update my programming language avdl
to compile and run on android.
Over the next couple of weeks I'll be working on porting my previous games to Android.
2021.02.13 - Sat 00:12
New art: "Madness Again"

The feeling of admiring a flower, which can never become yours, as it would much rather float away.
2021.02.03 - Wed 06:01
New tab added:
Old and new drawings are now going to be included in that tab.
They are creations inspired by different events, made for expressing certain feelings.
2021.01.12 - Tue 05:29
The king is gone - First stable version released

My latest puzzle video game "The king is gone" was just released
and is available for purchase. Check it out in one of the following
Steam |
Itch.io |
GameJolt |
2020.12.16 - Wed 00:40